About Me

My photo
Basically a small blog about my tamagotchi iD.. It has pics and videos. Yes I know they aren't the best quality at the moment. I'm using an ipod touch to take them. Hopefully you still find it informing to you.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Okay lot happened today o.o

Soooo let me start off by saying the first few pics are the rest of the accessories for my adult tama
Next it's her going to the match maker!!!!!
Well long story short...she had a girl! 3 girls in a row o.o
Well anyway then I also started up my color.(a girl of course) :D So I have a few videos and pics and everything. PLUS more videos later going more into detail on stuff.
Oh and there is also a random pic of a cute charm I got for the iD :D

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All grown up!!

So my teen grew into an adult today! I got my target character. Furawatchi!!!
Apparently I don't have to buy the accessories again. Which is a relief but also disappointing. Meaning that there is no more new accessories. I have to get me an inferred thingy. Sooo I have pics of my furawatchi, plus my whole tamagotchi collection!!! Yay lol
Oh!! And my +color came today. Soooo as soon as my Furawatchi has a baby, I'll be starting up my color so they can grow up together. :P
You'll be getting a double blog! :P
Enjoy the pics!
OHHH and one more note. You'll notice two of my tamas are customized. I enjoy doing customizations so check out this link Here and write me if you want one! :P

Now, for my collection! :P Idk why the picsare sideways but oh well. :/ Oh and the pic after the mass collection is because I left this one at my bfs house after I was done customizing it.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Chuuchutchi! :P

Yay I got the character I wanted! It was hard to abandon my tama like that </3 lol
I took some pics.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hoshitchi! So cutee

Yeah I know another blog post so soon o.o
But it happens I hadddd to update who the toddler was.
Yay Hoshitchi! <3
I've also decided to go for Furawatchi. :P
I just don't know if I can ignore my tama o.O
We'll see :o

Omg a baby! =D

It's a girl! My Lavulichi had a girl with Kuromameitchi =D
I got a video of her going to match maker. Excuse my boyfriend picking on the mates choices. lol
But anyway, question for anyone who happens to read my blog (you can answer me here or tamatalk)
Which girl character should I go for? I don't wanna get a Lavulichi again just cause I wanna stir things up.
List of choices from tamatalk: Choices
Heres the videos of the matchmaker. Sorry they're a little wobbely. xD


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Accessories Pics!

So today I failed a little as a tama parent. o.o I woke up at 6pm </3 I fed her and played  a few games but I'm working on making her happy again.
I took some pics of the accessories on her just so if you guys have her you'll know what it looks like. But I'm missing a few items. I'll update this one when I get them. x3 If you look in one of my previous vidoes you'll see the prices for these items!
I'm also using the photo gallery so I'll post those pics when I get more :3
Ooo and I'm able to go to the matchmaker now! But I wont till I have her for exactly 3 days. You get a thingy for it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

She is a Lavulitchi!!

So she grew up today and slowly I've been collecting Ta Ma To Mo letters xP (To find out what I'm talking about click here Tamatalk Ta Mo To Mo letters)
Anyway so I took a few pics, and a video of the two new things she can now do. Including take pics and buy accessories. In that order xP 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My tama grew up! =D

I took some pics.
Before =o

After!! =D
I also took some videos of the new features available after she grows up.

This first video is her going to a restaurant, I also show whats for sale. :)
These next ones were available when I had a toddler but I just thought I'd show you.
This is the store that changes the background. As you can see mine is changed to the royal theme which 3000 for each one.

This next one is also available with toddlers. This you can buy random toys and it makes them happy. I also show where they go when you buy them and how much they cost. Plus her using one.

If anyone has any requests of something with the iD let me know, I'll take a video or pictures for you =)

Some videos of the iD

These videos revolve around games on the tamagotchi to just a few random cute things. As well as just start up.
They're not long. All less then a few mins long.

My iD

My iD In package
So my iD came on Valentines day. I managed to take some pics before opening it and turning it on. On the 15th.
I got a little girl!!!
Then she grew into a belltchi!! Aw <3
Here's a few pictures I took. (I'll upload more later)
In package:

Out of package
Manual Part 1
Part two
Part 3