About Me

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Basically a small blog about my tamagotchi iD.. It has pics and videos. Yes I know they aren't the best quality at the moment. I'm using an ipod touch to take them. Hopefully you still find it informing to you.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

She is a Lavulitchi!!

So she grew up today and slowly I've been collecting Ta Ma To Mo letters xP (To find out what I'm talking about click here Tamatalk Ta Mo To Mo letters)
Anyway so I took a few pics, and a video of the two new things she can now do. Including take pics and buy accessories. In that order xP 


  1. Your pics are very blurry Shut. =( ~Phnx

  2. I know, ipod touch takes sucky pics. I'm trying to find another way to do it, but my cell phone doesn't take videos and I don't have the connecter to my cam.
    But these are better then nothing. :(
